RAD and ISTD Examination Results!
We're so pleased and proud to tell you that all students who presented Modern and Ballet Exams in May have been successful. Individual...
Due to GDPR rules regarding personal data, please note the following: Students personal and contact information will only ever be used in...
New Contact Details
Please note that along with our existing personal email addresses we now have a School email address. killesterschoolofballet@gmail.com

Happy New Ballet Year!
Classes for the coming year begin on Monday 10th September 2018. All students should have received their timetables, if for any reason...

Boys Classes
Killester School of Ballet and Modern Dance is open to expressions of interest in Boys classes. It is proposing to offer classes to boys...

Our Little Match Girl's Dreams Come True
Huge, ginormous, humungous congratulations to our Advanced student Eve Doran who has been accepted to not one but three dance colleges in...